The Senior Students; Layla, Tom, Jena and Christie hosted the annual Celebration Evening on Thursday.

The evening is a well-established tradition in Sixth Form that the evening is run by the Senior Students for their peers. Of course the evening couldn’t have happened without the unfailing support of the ever-present Miss O’Neill, Susan and Fiona. They have guided the Senior Students through the whole process to ensure an enjoyable and successful evening had by all. 

The Year 13 Celebration Evening is an evening of reflection, a coming together of the Sixth Form community to take pride in the achievements and accomplishments of one another and of Sixth Form itself. Of course, as the evening was hosted by the students, there was the odd humorous comment thrown in for good measure!

 The tradition of prize giving within King Edward’s in a long one, many of the trophies that are awarded have a long and esteemed history. Some of the awards have been donated by former students and staff, who are proud of their association with the school and want that legacy to continue. Other awards are proudly supported by The Foundation Governors, The Edwardians and Pirimal. Other awards given out on the evening are subject prizes. Each subject in Sixth Form select three nominees for attainment and three nominees for progress, with the overall winner announced out of the three.

Overall, the evening was a huge success and there was an enormous sense of pride in the room. The evening really lived up to its name and was a real celebration on the endeavours of the year group.